Managed to sleep in
and squeeze 4.5 miles in before fencework today.
The run, first since last Sunday's marathon, was shared with Siri and her dog Tierra. Siri is on damage control from the holidays and get-fit prep for her July wedding. Tierra couldn't care less to run alongside like a good little doggie. There are critters to chase, other dogs on the path to kill and needed much correction. We didn't break any records, but 4.5 miles done today and that is always a success.
Over New Year's weekend, we assembled the northwest corner of the fence and the west entry gates.
The mud might have been the worst part of this day |
Don't look at the weld will burn your retinas. |
Today, there's a storm on the horizon.
Travis asked if I wanted to help put up some more fence that he built from scratch, so three horses were turned out in the arena, we bundled up, and headed to the northeast end of our property line.
Filling in the blanks |
Travis had spent much of his time in recovery building the sections of fence that would go in between the installed posts. We drove five sections to the front and Travis began leveling, shimming, cutting and welding the sections into place.
Custom installation |
Travis was frustrated with the welder, but I tried to gently remind him that the only person who might nitpick his welds, other than himself, might be a professional welder. Of course, our neighbors across the street are welders, but they never come I think we are in the clear.
Protective eyewear required to look at this picture. |
Rounding the corner to the driveway |
Grinding to fit |
After about a half hour of staring at the corner to figure out alignment, level, a slight incline to the entry gate posts, Travis attached the last two pieces and all five sections east of the driveway were complete.
So, on top of welding and custom building a fence, he can golf, dirt bike (arguably), play tennis, play poker, drive RC cars, play shuffleboard, play almost any sport very well, road and mountain bike, run, do laundry (thank you), work on VWs, change the oil, change the transmission fluid, put air in my horse trailer tires, repair barns, build homes, remodel homes, drive tractors and bobcats, clip pets' nails, pick up food when his wife doesn't want to cook, feed horses when I am out of town riding horses or running marathons, and the list goes on and on. He can also make a girl laugh...and make her feel good (and beautiful).
Yep, he's a keeper. I feel useless...and lazy. The fence looks great!