Surgery Recovery Day 2.
This evening, Travis says the pain is like a little girl's toothache. He took some painkillers last night and this morning, but is in good spirits tonight.
"Daddy" Louie came to visit today. I came home from work to remnants of Subway sandwiches on the table.
I wish I could sleep in |
Marathon Recovery Day 3.
I've been moving around pretty good today. I can swish the dark fluid in my blood blister from one side to the next. My toenails still threaten to eject from their nailbeds. But I was hit with a whiffle ball bat of a head cold...the kind that turns on the invisible faucet in your nostrils. My jaw hurts from clenching and congestion.
Is the frigid temperature of the 2011 RNR Las Vegas Marathon to blame?
Why not? I have a lot of fecal matter to throw at that event.
What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas. It goes on the internet.
I'm not on Facebook, but I hear they are getting bombarded with complaints. Valid ones in my opinion. I am glad I had a great experience in San Francisco, because if Vegas had been my first marathon, it might have become my last.
My personal complaints:
1. They ran out of electrolytes. It was part of my strategy to take advantage of the electrolytes on the course. At about mile 17, there weren't any. This caused a little bit of panic.
2. They didn't enforce the marathon lanes (nor do I really think it would have been enforceable). Enough of the 38,000 half marathoners (many of whom were walking) used kind words like "Eff You!" when asked to move to the right by staff and my running partner De'Anna. The 6,000 marathoners were forced to bob and weave, hop on sidewalks, stop and switch directions the last 13.1 miles of the race.
3. Cheap Trick cheapened my deal by starting the show late...when I was heading to the start corrals. This gave the half marathoners a great show before their race started.
4. Bananas at the finish line were GREEN. Not greenish yellow, but
green. People were puking green bananas inside and outside Mandalay Bay.
5. The water and electrolyte tables were set up in the marathon lanes, which added to congestion.
6. The first half was throw away miles. We got to see Vegas's finest industrial complexes for 13.1 miles.
7. I ran right past the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop without seeing Big Hoss, Old Man, Rick or Chumlee.
I don't think they were running... |
The positives...
1. Was with a fun group of girls. De'Anna really helped me through this marathon. I had a tough time.
2. Marathon energy bars at the finish line (Snickers flavored) and a small bagel. Mmmmmm.
3. Love the medal.
4. Casey Abrams singing "God Bless America"
5. Genelle giving us some energy jelly beans at around mile 17 when we couldn't get electrolytes.
6. Crossing the finish line: De'Anna still full of energy got a groove going that brought a smile to my face as I came in just under my SF marathon time.
7. I beat Kate Gosselin (not that it matters, but she's in the news because of it). Thousands of people beat both of us.
8. The volunteers. They tried really hard to make the most out of a bad situation and had to deal with lots of angry runners. Those who stood out in the cold and cheered. That means so much when you are struggling to take another step.
The outcome...
It is unlikely I will sign up for a Rock N Roll Marathon in the near future, unless I hear things change. Clearly the marathoners were not priority in Vegas. Poor Mandalay Bay had their hands full with runners passing out, getting trampled, and needing aid in the halls of the casino.
11 ladies in a Lincoln Navigator |
Ready to run, but unaware of what we were in for... |