Two weeks after surgery and Travis is loosely following Doc's orders. Brace wearing 24/7 has been limited to when he feels like it. He walked a mile on the treadmill last night and picked his dissolvable stitches. He was really contemplating picking the dissolvable stitches in the implant site, but he left those alone for another day.
He set up a jig for the fence panels and got a VW motor running, so he's finding other things to do with his time than playing MW3 or Black Ops.
Last Friday was the City's Christmas party so Travis got to make an appearance and get ribbed from his coworkers. He received a get well gift bag with a coloring book and crayons, apples, Monterey Jack Cheese (good for strong bones) and Cap'n Crunchberries.
The weekend was a bust because it wouldn't quit snowing, which is consistent with meteorologists failing every weather report this winter thus far. A "trace" turns into a foot...and two foot prediction is a dusting.
I couldn't take it anymore and took Jake for a short walk. I so needed that.
Some Jake time. |
The dogs have become accustomed to coming in and laying by the fire. Check out the moment caught last night. Bosom buddies.
Suz, keep it coming. Merry Christmas. See you both soon. I'll try to blog from Florida.